Product Recall Procedure


Please contact a representative of the organisation, if there is an incident or:

  • There is visible damage or discolouration to any of the product, or packaging.
  • If there is question of food safety or hygiene in or around the product

Incident definition:

  • Contamination of a product from foreign bodies, plastics, glass or metal
  • Contamination of a product from non-organic material
  • Contamination or cross contamination of a product through allergens not listed in the ingredients
  • Notification from a supplier of contamination
  • Where there is a major quality issue – equipment failure leading to substandard product specification.


If it is clear an incident has occurred, but you require further verification, please contact:

 or direct to management on: 07974206780. Once you have reported the incident ‘goods out’ will be assessed.


All affected products still on site will need to be separated and labelled for inspection. A report will need to be completed (see incident report) and submitted to CGEN management as soon as possible.


If products are already Off site, this may result in a withdrawal or a recall.

  • A withdrawal – relates to a stage of distribution that allows the product to be withdrawn from sale, as it has not been displayed in retail outlets.
  • A recall is when a product has been displayed and sold and requires further advertising of the problems and CTA’s from consumers and retail management.

If any Star Shea / CGen products have been recalled, please contact the Organic Food Federation on 01760 720444 within three days.

If product have left warehousing, please call CGen management should be contacted immediately on the following number (24hrs a day):

  • 07974206780
  • 07714103915

Reporting an incident:

  • The customer tracing process must be followed to alert customers to the incident. Once the customer has been contacted and traceability information has been provided, a withdrawal or recall must be established.
  • If a recall is required, the EHO (Environmental Health Office) must be contacted using the phone number below, so that the recall can be reported to theFood Standards Agency (FSA).

If the incident is a minor quality issue and not food safety concern, management does not need to be contacted but the product does need to be separated and labelled and cannot be used. The product must be kept for review and further analysis and an Incident Form must be