The Power of Shea Butter
The Magic of Shea
What is Shea Butter?
Shea butter is a seed fat that comes from the shea tree. The shea tree is found in East and West tropical Africa. The shea butter comes from two oily kernels within the shea tree seed. After the kernel is removed from the seed, it is ground into a powder and boiled in water. The butter then rises to the top of the water and becomes solid.
Shea butter is a creamy fat that’s extracted from the nuts of the shea tree. It’s solid at warm temperatures and has an off-white or ivory colour. Shea trees are native to West Africa, and most shea butter still comes from that region. Shea butter is solid at warm temperatures and has an off-white or ivory colour. Shea butter is a multi-purpose cooking oil when food grade oil is used in the recipe. It takes approximately 20 years for a tree to bear fruit and produce nuts, maturing on average at 45 years. Most trees will continue to produce nuts for up to 200 years after reaching maturity.
Raw shea butter is butter which has not been filtered or moulded into shapes and unrefined shea butter is filtered and sometimes moulded. Food grade raw shea butter oil is edible and used in many food recipes. Shea butter oil has a very strong nutty taste and scent. Shea Butter has been extracted from the nut of the Shea tree in West Africa and used as cosmetic and therapeutic skin care lotion for thousands of years. Its origins go as far back as Cleopatra’s Egypt, where it was carried in large clay jars for cosmetic use. Shea butter is a fat extracted from the nut of the African shea tree. Shea Butter is rich in Vitamins A, D, E, and K and is high in essential fatty oleic, stearic, linoleic and palmitic acids. Shea Butter, also known as Women's Gold in Africa, plays a very important role in cooking and earning living wages for millions of African women.
African shea butter has been used for centuries for cooking. Raw shea butter is shea butter which has not been filtered or moulded into shapes and unrefined shea butter is filtered and sometimes moulded. Food grade raw shea butter oil is edible and used in many food recipes.
Why we LOVE Shea Butter
Low on the Glycemic Index
No chemicals, all organic
Keeping toxins away from cooking
Environmentally sustainable
No industrial fertilisers or harvesting, working within the natural balance of North Ghana
Human powered
Handpicked and hand processed by the farmers of Ghana